Tuesday 2 July 2013

Our trip to Hungary

7th May, Alicia, Claudia, Olalla and Ignacio took a plane to Budapest, which was the beginning of the third Comenius meeting. This time was in Gyula, a nice little town in Hungary.
Spanish delegation spent a day visiting Budapest to join the group on Wednesday morning to go to Gyula. Over there, families were waiting for us and we spent four really nice and sunny days.
At school, our students exposed the sports facilities of Burgos, and also some recipes of healthy food that our students from 4th ESO had prepared. Our presentation, again, was one of the best.
Then we new the results of the fitness test compared to the other schools. Sorry to tell you Felix, that our school was 5th on the line, maybe you should tell the kids to keep up their exercise routines.
In Gyula, apart from going to school, we visited a medieval castle, dressed up like nobles, and went to a swimming pool to do a water competition.
We had so much fun there.
Thank you all the Hungarian team for the nice and warm reception there.
We will see each other in Turkey!!

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