Colegiul National de Informatica “Traian Lalescu”, Hunedoara, Romania

After we organized Cookery day on 26th September, in the beginning of October we prepared the participation to the fourth reunion of our project:

  • Realization of the 2 presentations (about local sports and clubs);

  • Realization of the spot about the school and city; finally, the spot was too longer and wasn’t presented in Izmir;
  • Participation to the reunion in Izmir (08-12.10.2013);
  • In the second part of the month:
    • -          Finalization of the spot (see the link);
    • -          A material about Cookery day (see the attach);
    • -          Dissemination of the results of the fourth reunion, on 21th of October;
    • -          Preliminary discussions about the budget, next reunions, final product and composition of the delegations;
    • -          We posted the dissemination on the County School Inspector at the website.

Links about Cookery day and with the spot:
The link of the spot (posted on

Cookery day
There is a tradition to celebrate European Language Day in our school,at least during these last years. The event consists in organizing an exhibition of representative dishes from the EU countries.Students and, for the most part, their parents, coordinated by their teachers ( the ones from the modern languages department)  are the „main actors”, being totally involved in highlighting these culinary symbols through small flags, big flags and even folk costumes!
During the last two years, there have been some similar events inside European Language Day,   included in the Comenius project that our school is a part of; if last year the accent was exclusively on the linguistic aspect – presenting the countries involved in the project  The Importance of Healthy Lifestyles for Teenagers in Different European Countries and of the languages spoken in these countries – this year the accent was on displaying different types of healthy food from the 9 countries involved - Estonia, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, Turkey, Hungary and, of course, România.
The event inside the project was called Cookery day,  it has been well represented inside European Language Day and it was reflected in the local media ( the „Mesagerul hunedorean” newspaper and „Info HD” TV station). Obviously, all the products were highly appreciated and tasted by the audience and finally,the best dishes were awarded by 4 teachers of our college, designated as members of the jury.

                                                                                                               The Comenius team

Latest news from Hunedoara!!!!

- Two students realized the commercial spot about the school and town.
- Teacher George wrote an article for UEFAdirect and this material will be published in the next number (June) or in August; each school will receive a copy of the magazine.
- Students realized and sent a presentation with few healthy recipes.

Our Comenius project in UEFAdirect, the magazine of UEFA, in June’s edition.

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