Gimnazjum nr 5 im Polskich Noblistów, Jaworzno, Poland

Between 16th-17th  of  February 2014 our school, Secondary School No 5 in Jaworzno was hosting teachers and students from our partner schools from Germany, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Turkey, Lithuania and Estonia. It was on Sunday, the 16th of February, that our guests came to our country and there was no end to hugs and embraces. After the informal welcome at the airport and at the railway station the teachers went to the hotel and the students to their host families to have a rest.
The following day, Monday the 17th of February, we welcomed our guests officially, during
a festive ceremony ’To jest Polska właśnie – Our Poland’. At the beginning of the welcome ceremony our headmistress, Mrs. Anna Wojkowska, gave a speech and then we  presented our guests Polish culture, regional dresses, polish songs and national dances.
The schedule of the whole visit was full and the days very busy. Following the official part, the students went to see the decoupage class and the teachers took  part in the lesson
of  Polish language, during which they were practicing Polish polite phrases and tongue twisters.
For dinner our guests could taste different kinds of dumplings and Polish soup made
of  fermented rye flour; later,  Polish students presented our school to the guests. After visiting school and sharing impressions, we invited our guests for the traditional Polish sleigh ride. The only problem was the weather since there was no snow!! 
On that day we visited the ‘ Wieliczka Salt Mine’  – one of the greatest tourist attractions in Poland and Cracow – the Royal Capital City.       
  The  long walk along the saline corridors, attractions prepared by the Mine’s Guard,  fresh and healthy air made us eat the dinner, deep under the ground, with relish.
Having done the shopping in Wieliczka, we went to Cracow and there was a surprise awaiting us: we were sightseeing the town in melexes, in which it was warm, comfortable and the nice voice of the guide was leading us through the old streets of our previous Royal Capital City:  The Old Town, the Main Market Square, the Cloth Hall (Sukiennice), Wawel Castle. The trip came to an end near the Mariacki Church. The day was exhausting but full of new impressions.
Filled with sports events and full of unforgettable impressions. We started the day with the workshop during which the students from each country had to present their ‘homework’, which was a healthy lifestyle promotion. After the presentation we went  to Katowice to bowling alley where we had a great opportunity to show our partners how to relax actively, playing bowls. International teams were competing with passion and till the last minute we didn’t know who’s going to win, especially that there were some attractive prizes – so there was something to rival for. Then we came back to our school to have a traditional Polish dinner. We served such dishes: the borscht with croquette.  traditional  Polish lard, Polish bread, dill pickles, traditional baking.
In the afternoon there was the time for  sport event – a volleyball match of teachers against students.  Unfortunately, the day was coming to an end and that was the time for goodbye party – filled with dances, singing, tears and…pizza!!! That evening, the project coordinators Anna Wojkowska, Marzena Botko and Barbara Ziętek gave certificates to all the participants and thanked them for visiting us.

During those days the language barriers fell down and new friendships were made. The atmosphere of the meeting was unusual. 

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