Kazım Dirik İlköğretim Okulu, Izmir, Turkey.

Summary of our questionnaire on healthy living
The questionnaire was made by 21 students of all ages (13-14)

What kind of sport do you do?
-          Football 33.33%
-          Volleyball 33.33%
-          Running 14.28%
-          Basketball 9.52%
-          Pilates 4.76%
-          Students don’t do any sport 4.76%
How often do you do sport?
-         every day:                                         19.04%
-         several times a week:                         57.14%
-         once a week:                                     4.76%
-         (almost) never:                                   19.04%
Are you a member in a sport club?
-         Yes:       19.04%
-         No:        80,95%
What advice can you give to your classmates?
-         Stay fit physically and psychologically by doing exercises regularly,
-         Enhancements themselves on sports they like.
How healthy is your own nutrition?
-         very healthy:                    19,04%
-         rather healthy:                 76.19%
-         not healthy:                      4.76%
What advice can you give to your classmates?
-          go on a healthy and balanced diet
-          Stay away fast food and sweets; eat fruit, vegetables, cereal in a balanced way.

Stress at school
How stressful do you consider these aspects:
Learning problems:        1: 33,33%   2: 38,09%   3: 14,28%   4: 14,28%   5: 0 %    6:0%
Pressure to perform:    1: 33,33% 2: 23,80%  3: 19,04%   4: 4,76%     5: 14,28%   6:%4,76
Marks:                                 1: 28,57%   2: 28,57%   3: 19,04%   4: 9,52%   5: 9,52%   6: 4,76%  
Homework:                       1: 33,33%  2: 23,80%  3: 19,04%  4: 4,76%    5: 14,28%   6: 4,76%
Problems with students: 1: 38,09%  2: 14,28%  3: 23,80%  4: 9,52%    5: 4,76%     6: 9,52%
Problems with teachers: 1: 42,85%  2: 19,04%  3: 19,04%  4: 4,76%    5: 4,76%     6: 9,52%
Problems with parents:   1: 42,85% 2: 19,04%  3: 9,52%     4: 9,52%     5: 9,52%     6: 9,52%
Time management:       1: 28,57%  2: 23,80%  3: 23,80%  4: 14,28%  5: 4,76%     6: 4,76%
Future perspectives:     1: 9,52%    2: 9,52%   3: 23,80 %  4: 28,57%  5: 4,76%   6: 23,80%

What advice can you give to your classmates?
-          Study planned and organized.
-          Think positively.
-          Trust yourself.
-          Struggle with stressful events, to solve them get help from families, teachers, friends if necessary from psychologists

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