Istituto Omnicomprensivo Di Amelia, Amelia, Italy

In Amelia there is a beautiful archeological museum. It's also quite big.
The museum of Amelia is an archeological museum established ten years ago.
The attraction of the museum is the statue of "Germanicus", a bronze
statue found fifty years ago in Amelia. On the first floor, where there is
the  big statue , you can see a very interesting video about him, made by
a famous scientific video-maker, Paco Lanciano, who usually works for the
national tv. Germanicus was a prince of the imperial family, and he was so
called because he had learned the war techniques with his father against
the Germans. At his mysterious death , he was considered a hero. The
statue is about two metres high and it is set on a pedestal. It was
originally put as a decoration of a ground used for training the youth, so
the statue was put there as an example for them. He is in the act of
addressing a speech, his armour is decorated with a scene that represents
the struggle between Achilles and Troilus.  Recent studies have proved
that  the whole body belonged to a statue rapresenting a former Asian
empereor while the head, which portrays Germanicus, was put on top of it.

Visiting Turkey
We attend the third grade of the 'Istituto Omnicomprensivo di Amelia' and this year we had the opportunity to take part in the Comenius exchange visit in Izmir, Turkey, from 8th to 13th October.
We were particularly happy of being involved. It was an unexpected experience because we left our country with presuppositions and ideas about the culture and the habits of Turkey which turned out to be completely different from what we expected. We were even a bit worried, but as soon as we got there we realized how wrong our ideas were. The families who hosted us made us feel at home and took care of us just as though we were their own children.

Every day we met with the other boys and girls from the other countries involved in the project, i.e. Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Spain and of course Turkey, not only to visit the uncountable wonders that Turkey has got to offer (like museums, cities, monuments) but also (or rather above all) to interact and communicate with other teenagers trying to use our knowledge of the English language as much as possible and even learn a few words in a new foreign language. We made lots of friends and we still keep in touch, despite the distance, thanks to the social networks.

We spent this week in Turkey trying to get as much of its culture as possible, by visiting its mosques and synagogues and respecting the values of their religion. And we tasted the typical products of their cuisine.

The last day we left Izmir heading to Istanbul and we spent a whole day in this spectacular capital city and had the chance to visit the Blue Mosque and Ayasofya which are so impressive.
A unique experience which we'd like to live again a million times because it helped us to grow and see the world from a different perspective, thus enriching our knowledge and not confining us to the boundaries of our everyday life.

We'd like to thank the teachers who gave us the chance to live this fantastic experience and wish that our mates who are going to leave soon to Poland and Spain have as much fun as we had in Izmir.

Elisa Bertini, Marina Ottaviani, Elisa Pulsoni

Turkey, 8th to 13th October 2013 
After visiting Germany, Estonia and Hungary, we headed to Izmir, Turkey, to visit our partner school ‘Kazım Dirik İlköğretim Okulu’. The hospitality was fantastic! Our Turkish families were kind, friendly and generous. We all miss our Turkish mums and dads. And what to say about the Turkish cuisine? Exquisite and healthy! Ranging from fresh vegetables and fruits, great kebab, mussels, soups…
We arrived in Izmir on 8th in the late afternoon and met our hosting families.
On 9th we set to work: all partner schools (from Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey) made their presentations about the main sports activities in their cities and the most important sports associations operating in their territory. Some of them (including us!) also showed a promotional commercial about their school and city. It goes without saying that all presentations and videos were really appreciated by all the students and teachers involved (Applause, please!!!).  Later that afternoon it was a perfect time for visiting the district (or mahalle) of Karşıyaka and buying some Turkish Lira for some good shopping! Actually, some of us preferred to stroll along the harbor (Didn’t we tell you that Izmir is on the seaside?). And for dinner, some great specialties prepared by all Turkish mums, including börek, kebab and baklava!
The following day was dedicated to the visit of Izmir and its treasures, from the ruins Old Smyrna, through the Archaeological Museum, Kadifekale, the Agora, the Mosque to the Clock Tower in the Konak district.
On 11th we went on an archaeological tour: we visited Ephesus (there are no words to describe the magic and beauty of this place) and the Virgin Mary’s Shrine passing through an ethnographical museum and a ceramics factory. In the evening, a farewell (or rather goodbye?) dinner at a restaurant with all our European friends.
On 12th we joined our teachers for a relaxing day in Foça and a swim in the Aegean Sea, in the middle of October!!! In the evening it’s time to leave Izmir and head to Istanbul, where we spent the night before going back to Italy on the following evening.
Istanbul and its jewels strike us with all their charm. And even though we’re short of time, we manage to visit the Blue Mosque, Ayasofya, and Topkapı Sarayı and also take a fascinating cruise on the Bosphorus.
With the enchantment of Istanbul still in our eyes, our minds and our hearts we leave this beautiful country pretty sure that one day we’ll come back.

Teşekkür ederim, Türkiye!

Amelia, Italy, 26th September 2013 
Today Europe celebrates the European Day of Languages. Our school decided to take part in the celebration with an exhibition of posters about the official languages spoken within the European Union and with typical songs and hymns from the EU countries which we listened to at our language lab.
But we did more than this! We decided to combine this important date with the experience and material we gathered in our previous exchange visits to other European countries, i.e. Germany, Estonia and Hungary. We organized a Cookery Day: with the help of our mums we prepared a selection of typical recipes from the European Union collected in the E-Book we have put together thanks to the help of our European partners from Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey. All the students in our school along with other schools in the neighbourhood were invited to join the event and have a ‘taste of Europe’. All recipes were really HEALTHY (as this is the main aim of our project) and highly appreciated!
This event was also an occasion for an exhibition of sports champions (on two floors!) with posters from all our European partners, for a presentation of all the works we’ve realized so far for the project both at our school and during our exchange visits and last but not least for showing the results of the first part of the fitness tests.

Beware, Europe! We’re young, fit and ready to conquer you!

Assembly of institute
Every month in our school takes place the assembly of  institute. That of the month of march the subject was the drugs. We saw a movie always relevant to the topic of drugs (Trainspotting). And after we had a discussion with the guys of the community of Don Pierino. For us, students of the Economics School of Amelia, it was a intesting and and formative experience.

A trip to London
On 17 april 2013 we guys of the institute of Luigi Einaudi left for London. We were in London for one week and every day was a full of emotion and unforgettable places. We didn’t stay in a hotel but in the families in groups of two or three, and the common opinion was great fun and good: for us  it was wonderful and unforgettable experience, pity thought that it lasted so little.

Twinning with the town of Joigny

On April 8, the secondary and high school classes have hosted the French students of Lycée Marie Noel of Joigny, twinned with Amelia. An experience that allowed him to open up a real European dimension also in terms of the use of a language studied at school. in these three days the boys were busy visiting the city of Amelia and Rome. This experience, which takes place every year, has allowed us to continue the tradition of interchangeable hospitality.

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