Jurbarko rajono Seredziaus Stasio Simkaus pagrindine mokykla, Jurbarko, Lithuania

Trip to Estonia

   On 19th February our delegation with good mood were preparing for a long trip to the south of Estonia. At  8 am we started trip from Seredzius, Lithuania,  to Anstla. Although air, road conditions weren’t good, we reached our destination fast. When we arrived to Anstla’s gymnasium, me and my classmate Rokas met families, where we lived  five days. Before  trip, living in other families actually  seemed to be hard, but when we came here, everything turned backwards – we had really great experience.
   On early Wednesday morning we were a bit worrying about our first day at school. Rokas and me were in the seventh Anstla’s gymnasium grade. It was interesting to watch how other countries students in Estonia learn. Students  were very friendly, our meeting other students was easy, because everyone wanted to interact. Also we met students from other countries, it was very inetresting.  After lessons we had one of the most interesting part of trip - indicative game. We divided to few teams and did tasks around the all town, from school till forest which is located near town. Tasks were interesting, we needed to use logical thinking, do few sport exercises. Also on Wednesday all delegations presented their homework  about their  country winter sports and climate. The  first day was very cool, we have found new friends.
   On Thursday organisators prepared a really good day. We started our day in the gym. More than 3 hours we did all kind of exercises, divided into teams and performed in various relays, played basketball and other  games. We spent this morning awesome, and we started prepare for a trip to Otepaa – Estonia Winter Olimpics capital. Trip by bus was not  long, because we interacted to each others, we saw nice Estonia‘s views through the bus window. In Otepaa we lifted up on the platform, where we could see nice Estonia‘s landscape, we saw a lot of skiing tracks, downhills, olimpic tracks. Also we went to the Otepaa town, where we bought some souvenirs, walked around the town. Everything what we saw  in Otepaa is incomparable and beautiful.  When ww went  back home, we visited the smallest traffic city in the world. It‘s like small real city version, which fitted in abandoned farm. Guide explained and showed everything for us, we could try to drive around this city by ourselves.
   On Friday morning we mentioned Estonia‘s  independence day, we watched flag hoisting ceremony. After that we started preparing  presentations about these 3 days in IT class, in the evening we had to present it. When wehave  already done the presentations, we went to hall and listened orations from school director and other important people, the bad thing is, that we couldn’t understand it, becausewe  don’t know Estonian. Also in the hall we watched students performances. The drums performance was the best for me. Students in this school are very talented.
   In the evening we went to musical school. Sadly, it was the last Comenius meeting day in Estonia. Students presented their  presantations that they made on this day. Between presentations we saw Anstla students great dance performances. After that we had awesome dance party.  We spent unforgettable time here and we want to forget it. We are grateful to everyone who planned these incredible days in Estonia. Sadly, but trip ended, everyone didn’t  want to go home, but we had to.
   Saturday was the last day in Estonia. In this morning we went  to Lithuania. The trip was very cool, we had a lot of great time, found new friends, had lots of impressions.  Thanks for everything.

                                                                                                                                  Erikas Bakšenskas

„Comenius“ project posters exhibition in Seredziaus S. Simkaus basic school

   Project „The importance of Healthy Lifestyles for Teenagers in Different European Countries“ continues in our school. In November project participants had the first meeting in  Germany,  Viersen town. Before the first meeting we made posters about the best Lithuanian sportsmen and about school sport life. The exhibition is mobile: it travels from Germany to Turkey, later – to our country.
   Finally, posters exhibition came to our school. Each country showed their best sport stars in posters. Lithuania is unthinkable without the legendary basketball player A. Sabonis or "Golden Girl" Ruta Meilutytė. We have an excellent opportunity to know more about sport in European countries. Dominykas and Mantas introduced our sportsmen in Germany.
   Another interesting task of project participants was creating a logo that reflects the idea of ​​the project. We draw some logos and chose the best one.
   On Tuesday the Estonian town Anstla escorted the participants school delegation: Project Coordinator Irena Styk, Laima Baksenskiene, Kristina Dziaugiene and two students  Rokas Filipsons and Erikas Baksenskas. They took all exhibition posters and our logo to Estonian school.  During the meeting students  presented our weather chart in each season of the year.
   Taking part in project gives us a lot of happiness and opportunity to find friends.

                                                                                   Matas Avcininkas

         The first Comenius project  meeting was  in Germany

   It is the third time, when Seredzias S. Simkaus basic school participates in international Comenius multirateral schools parthnership projects. This time  project‘s  tittle is „The importance of healthy lifestyles for teenagers in different European countries“. Ten schools from nine countries(Germany, Poland, Estonia, Turkey, Romania, Spain, Italy, Hungary and Lithuania) take part in this project.
  The first meeting was  in Germany, Viersen, in November. Definetly, it is fun to travel to the other countries, but before that we had to do a lot of  job. First of all, we had to make posters about our country sportmen. We decided to make one poster about our school students, who reached very good results in sport. Maybe, they are futures olimpians? Mantas and Dominykas (students, which went to Germany) had to be ready to tell about themselves and  about Lithuanian sport stars.
   So on Monday morning our team (two teachers and two students)  went to Germany. Both boys were a bit worried, because it was the first trip by plane for them. But everything was OK, and in the evening, about 6pm we were in Diusseldorf airport, where we met our project coordinator Heinrich.
   Teachers met all participants in one of auditories. Of course colleagues from Romania and Turkey we have already known: we met them in the previous project. We introduced ourselves, and  everyone said what languages he or she can speak. We discussed about our project work, about the meeting in Estonia, which will be in February. Teachers from Poland presented their fitness test, which we will do in spring, and after that – we will compare it with other countries results.
      We have come back to school, after we had a walk through Viersen. We started to prepare for posters for an exhibition and official project presentation. School headmaster, town mayor welcomed all guests. German students sang some songs.
       Next day we again gathered in the school, where we  waited  healthy food breakfast. We had opportunity to choose breakfast from a lot of healthy dishes. After breakfast we went to Köln, where we go upstairs to highest tower of famous cathedral, from where we had a really nice view to all city. We saw knew  so much new and interesting.
   First meeting passed rapidly. It was sad to say goodbye, but  it was only the first meeting – we will meet each other again.

            Irena Štyk, English teacher.

Lithuania in Germany 4.JPGLithuania in Germany 3.JPGLithuania in Germany 2.JPGLithuania in Germany 1.JPG

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