Sunday 27 October 2013

Visiting Turkey!

From the 7th to the 12th October, we visited our friends from Turkey in the 4th meeting of our Comenius project. It was a very complete meeting, visiting Istambul on the first day, beautiful day in the two continents city. The Blue Mosque marked the beginning of our day, going to Saint Sophia, Galata Tower, Bosforo, or the Great Bazaar. After a long day, we travelled to Izmir, where they were waiting for us. A day at school working in the project, followed by a stroll in Karsiyaka, was our Wednesday. Next day, a tour in Izmir visiting its main monuments. The best had to wait till Friday where we were taken to ancient Rome in the ruins of Ephesus. Magnificent day where we could taste a bit of roman culture still alive. Next stop, Poland, Jaworno, February. We will see you all there.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Our trip to Hungary

7th May, Alicia, Claudia, Olalla and Ignacio took a plane to Budapest, which was the beginning of the third Comenius meeting. This time was in Gyula, a nice little town in Hungary.
Spanish delegation spent a day visiting Budapest to join the group on Wednesday morning to go to Gyula. Over there, families were waiting for us and we spent four really nice and sunny days.
At school, our students exposed the sports facilities of Burgos, and also some recipes of healthy food that our students from 4th ESO had prepared. Our presentation, again, was one of the best.
Then we new the results of the fitness test compared to the other schools. Sorry to tell you Felix, that our school was 5th on the line, maybe you should tell the kids to keep up their exercise routines.
In Gyula, apart from going to school, we visited a medieval castle, dressed up like nobles, and went to a swimming pool to do a water competition.
We had so much fun there.
Thank you all the Hungarian team for the nice and warm reception there.
We will see each other in Turkey!!

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Wednesday 10 April 2013

Diario de Adrián en Estonia

Primer día:
Después de un duro día de viaje, Félix, Ignacio, Pablo y yo llegamos a nuestro destino, una ciudad acogedora al sur de Estonia, llamada Anstla. Al lado del colegio nos esperaban nuestras familias, mi compañero se llamaba Martin Pratz, que nos llevaron a sus respectivos hogares.

Segundo día:
Después del habitual desayuno, Martin y yo nos fuimos hacia el colegio donde lo acompañe durante sus clases y más tarde realizamos una gincana por toda la ciudad. Esa misma tarde y después de comer en el colegio, expusimos el clima de Burgos, algo más templado que el de Anstla. Cuando llegué a la casa de Martin, nos fuimos a la sauna, donde nos relajamos mucho y después a la cama.

Tercer día:
Cuando llegamos al colegio, teníamos preparadas unas actividades deportivas que nos habían preparado, fue muy divertido. A la tarde, nos abrigamos bien y nos pusimos en marcha para practicar esquí de fondo, que se presentaba interesante. Cuando fuimos a practicarlo nos dimos demasiados golpes al caernos, sobre todo Ignacio. A continuación, realizamos snowtubing, que fue más divertido de lo que nos esperábamos.

Cuarto día:
Por la mañana, los cuatro nos pusimos a realizar un prezi para su posterior presentación. Ese día era el día nacional de la Independencia de Estonia y acudimos a la iza de la bandera. Por la tarde, observamos unos bailes de las chicas y después tuvimos cuatro horas de fiesta sin descanso.

Quinto día: 
Se presentaba un día triste, tuvimos que hacer las maletas y despedirnos de nuestros amigos, esperamos volver a verlos. 

Adrián Gago González

Sunday 24 February 2013

Snow tubing!!

We have in Spain water parks with toboggans. Estonia have theirs made out of snow and ice. Have a look at the ride!

Cross Country Skiing

If you think cross country skiing is easy for beginners, just have a look!!

Some pictures from Estonia

Tallin airport after 12 hours of journey!!! Then 4 more to Antsla by bus on icy roads.

How do you  travel when it is so snowy? Ask Félix!!!

Teachers do also work during the meetings!!! Here, they are working on the new steps to follow.

Watching the views from a ski jumping platform with the Estonian host students. Thank you, you were so nice with us!

Playing tiqui-taca hockey! Spain rules!!

The only time we were not falling down while cross country skiing!!!

Adrián is so proud of his football team, even when it is minus 12 degrees! Go Adrián, go!!!

And finally, an Estonian quiz? What are we taking a picture of? Comment on it and if you guess it, ask for your prize!!!

Second meeting in Antsla

Comenius project took its second meeting in the beautiful village of Antsla in the South of Estonia.
Temperature minus 12 degrees average. Cold weather, but very nice people, thanks Merle for everything!!!!!
Our students, Pablo and Adrián were fantastic when exposing our work and presentations, thank you guys!!!!
Here you have some pictures to see how beautiful countryside was waiting for us in Estonia. If you want to see the videos on how teachers fell down in the snow, you will have to wait a bit. 
Keep you informed.