Sunday 11 November 2012

We are back!!!

It was really nice meeting our comenius partners in Viersen. We really had a nice time and everything went smoothly and nice. We will tell you more about the meetings and our agreements.

With our German colleagues and their students in Köln.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Trip to Germany

On November 5th, we are travelling to Viersen, Germany to meet our partners. 

We will keep you informed.
See you soon.

Winning Posters

Here we have the posters of the winners of the competition
Bruno Urien's poster

Jorge García's poster

National Sporting Idol's Competition

Our 4th year ESO and 1º Bachillerato students did some posters about their national sporting idol's.
Here are some examples of their work.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Welcome to our Comenius Blog

Liceo Castilla Maristas Burgos has joined the Comenius programme!!!!!
And we are going to Germany in November to meet our partners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep in touch to know more about it!
See you soon